Sigh for a Sign

Sigh for a Sign

Sigh for a Sign

Sigh for a Sign

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020

May 13, 2020









Written for the Diocese of West Malaysia’s Lanten Devotional 2020

11 The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. 12 He sighed deeply and said, “Why does this generation ask for a sign? Truly I tell you, no sign will be given to it.” 13 Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.

- Mark 8:11-13

If it wasn’t so depressing it would have been comical. Jesus has fed a 4000 strong crowd with a kids packed lunch, and not just  given them a mouthful, they are fed till they are satisfied - and there’s even SEVEN baskets of leftovers. 

At which point the religious leaders come to him and ask him for a sign... 

It’s akin to walking up to Usain Bolt, whilst he’s on the Olympic Winners Podium, as he’s being handed the gold medal and saying: “Hey, prove you can walk.”

Jesus has already given then way more of a sign than they could even have imagined asking for, and yet they missed it. Why? Because they had their own agenda, their own vision for what God’s kingdom should look like and how it should be brought about. Their vision was a kingdom that benefited Jews who strictly observed the law. Jesus has a wider vision in mind: ‘the people ate and were satisfied...’ 

This is a vision for everyone, that leaves them satisfied, with enough left over to feed other people too! What a wonderful image of what Jesus wants us to receive from him. 

The Pharisees had everything they needed yet they missed it. 

But before we laugh at them we have to remember we have more...

We have seen Jesus death & resurrection: and experienced it in our lives.

We have his word: more freely and readily available than ever before in the history of the world.

And we have his Holy Spirit living within us. 

We have all the signs we need - the question is have we stopped to consider them and what they mean long enough to be able to receive them. 

A friend once wrote in a letter to Henri Nouwen: 

They... “have chewed on the Gospels without being fed.”

The Pharisees request for a sign is a sign in itself - specifically a warning sign to us to make sure that we take note of the signs! Slow down, consider, receive what he has done for us. 

Jesus reaction to the request for a sign is to offer up a sigh. This is the moment in Mark’s Gospel where the two rival visions of the Kingdom are now set on a collision course that climaxes in the cross. 

What’s Jesus response - he get’s in a boat and takes his disciples away with him. Which is the invitation to us this lent. To get away with him. 


Where does my vision of the Kingdom of God differ from Jesus’? 


Jesus wants to get away with you:

“He left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.” v13 


Jesus I am distracted by so many things, my inner desires and monologue often crowd out your voice. Lead me to the quite place, help me to go with you to the other side, help me to gaze again at the sign of your love for us: the cross.